Learning art {jewelry} appreciation
I am learning to appreciate my own jewelry as "art". You can see, I have laid out all these pieces (mostly learning pieces) as a centre piece on my table. I get to see them and touch them and play with them daily.
I didn't take art appreciation or any of the classics in high school or university. I have wandered through many of the great museums in Europe, but I definitely gravitate more to the "craft" side of arts and crafts.
And while I have always been creative with a huge imagination, I had not really embraced the fact that I am an artist! I viewed my work and the works of people I admired in the craft world as "artisan" work. Now I understand the nuances of the words - my work, if not art, is seen as less valuable than "real" art (sculpture and painting, mainly). This is patently untrue! What I do is create art!
It has been interesting for me to see my work in a new light, to make that mind shift and appreciate it. And now I am ready to declare myself as an Artist!
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