
When your inner artist creates the {art} jewelry
When my inner artist comes out to play with my muse, I get really excited. New ideas take shape by playing around with techniques I have learned.

Sometimes I draw first and sometimes the idea comes out in the process. Right now, I am really happy and excited by the way my new steel and bronze pieces are shaping up.

Stay tuned and sign up for my email list. New work is coming in the next month and the mailing list gets first dibs, always.

Steel and {bronze} pieces are on the horizon
Being stuck inside due to poor air quality does have some advantages.
It means I can work away at my latest "love" - combining bronze and steel into new pieces.
Using these pieces as inspiration, I am creating for my next release.
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Driftwood {girls} and inspiration
I have been reading a book called "The Driftwood Girls".
Which aligns nicely with the driftwood "thing" I have had going on lately.
It has been a muse and an inspiration. So don't be surprised if driftwood inspired pieces make their way into my next collection releases...
Insiders on my email list always get first dibs on new pieces and exclusive deals.

What earrings to wear with longer hair
With the pandemic closing all hair salons for over 2 months, I found myself growing out my hair. It's been awhile since I have had longer hair and the earrings I normally would choose were not showing up any more.
So what's a girl to do when she wants to show off her jewelry and keep her longer hair style???
The answer is get my Majorca earrings! They are dangly with lots of movement and the bottom bead swings below my hair line.
Want to know when the new releases are out? Then sign up to my email list. You know you want to...

Weathered driftwood and {bronze} pendants
Driftwood reminds me about strength and flexibility.
By nature, it drifts, pushed along by the water currents and doesn't resist.
It goes with the flow, weathers the storms and comes out beautiful in the end.
PSST: New work is on it's way and you can be first to shop by signing up to my email list below.

Coral inspired {bronze} earrings
It's not always a straight line from inspiration to final piece. For me, it's about essence and mimicry. And as an artist, I can allow creativity to have it's way with an idea.
When I create something, my inspiration comes from various places - including the ocean and beach environments. These Minoan earrings are made from my coral reef beads, which bring to mind ... you guessed it...coral!
I am working on some new pieces now for release this fall. If you want to be first to shop when these items are released, get on my email list by signing up below.

I've got an ocean {curl}
I just want to reach out
and touch my jewelry pieces.
If you want to be first to reach out and touch new pieces, then you must get on my email list. {sign up below, you know the drill}

Learning art {jewelry} appreciation
I am learning to appreciate my own jewelry as "art". You can see, I have laid out all these pieces (mostly learning pieces) as a centre piece on my table. I get to see them and touch them and play with them daily.
I didn't take art appreciation or any of the classics in high school or university. I have wandered through many of the great museums in Europe, but I definitely gravitate more to the "craft" side of arts and crafts.
And while I have always been creative with a huge imagination, I had not really embraced the fact that I am an artist! I viewed my work and the works of people I admired in the craft world as "artisan" work. Now I understand the nuances of the words - my work, if not art, is seen as less valuable than "real" art (sculpture and painting, mainly). This is patently untrue! What I do is create art!
It has been interesting for me to see my work in a new light, to make that mind shift and appreciate it. And now I am ready to declare myself as an Artist!
If you want to be on the front lines for the next release of my Art, sign up below with your email. Insiders always shop first.

Wear {bronze} jewelry - for you!
I am just coming off a week of stay-cation. As I was hanging around home, doing not too much of anything (COVID lethargy anyone??), I got to wondering why I wasn't really wearing my jewelry. Was this some hang over from jewelry being a "dress up" thing?
Or was I just not bothering with it? And if that was so, why not? Why WASN'T I wearing jewelry around home? Don't I deserve to wear my jewelry whenever I feel like it???
YES! I can wear my jewelry, JUST FOR ME, when no one is watching.
If you want to be first to scoop up your very own piece of jewelry to wear while no one is watching, you can join my email list below. Become an Insider and shop first with all new releases.

Warning {mad} artist alert!
Don't be alarmed, though, I am not out to hurt anyone!
Since I am on "staycation" this week and with my perspective shift, my creative ideas are swirling around.
So I am spending some studio time whipping up some prototypes to see what is calling to be made.
I am starting to work in a new way. That is, I am working towards limited editions and one of a kind work then releasing items all at one time. This will be a gradual transition and the pretties in my shop are not going away. Soon I will start to announce shop updates ahead of time.
But for now, if you want to be the first to shop new items, then you had better get on my mailing list by signing up with your email below!

Bronze {beach} beads?
It occurred to me this weekend that my notion of "going to the beach" may not be the same as yours...
While I have spent time on tropical, sandy beaches, I am not really a sit-on-the-beach-and-tan kind of person. While I adore the soothing aspect of being on the beach, I am much more active on it. I prefer to walk and beach comb and take in sound of the waves, the smell of salt. I might swim, depending on the location and temperature of the sea. I get bored if I am just sitting there.
If I am going to sit, then I prefer a porch on a cottage or a big ol' beach chair, maybe with arms wide enough that I can write on or comfy enough to curl up with a book.
What's your favourite way to experience the beach?
Sign up below to become an Insider - Insiders always shop first on new releases and you never know when there will be exclusive offers!

Swinging {bronze} beads?
Someone made this awesome driftwood swing at the bead.
Swinging is one of those activities that can transport you to another time and place. Perhaps a carefree moment of childhood. Or in my case, our summer lake cabin. Makes me smile and relax all at the same time.
I thought my Martinique necklace was a perfect match for this swing. You can let it transport you away...
If you want to be first in line to shop new releases (hint: next release is coming this summer), then sign up with your email below.