
Shift {your} focus?
What happens when you change your focus? Do you focus on something else?
Or do you see something different in what you have been examining? Perhaps you expand your focus to take in the whole picture, when before you only saw a tiny piece?
All of these have been happening for me since I took a step back and saw a bigger view of my art, how it fits in my life and how I want it to fit in my life.
This creates subtle shifts in how I am doing things, including creating my art and is very exciting.
If you want a front row seat to see how all this comes out in my collections, then sign up now to be an Insider. Insiders always shop new items and collections first.

Cycling, hotel and bangles
As I mentioned, I was on vacation, in the Greater Vancouver area.
We did "Bike the Night" - a family cycling awareness event where everyone dresses up and puts lights on their bikes. Streets were closed as 5000 cyclists rode the route.
We also cycled around the seawall and then stopped here at Canada Place, close to where the Olympic Flame was during the Vancouver 2010 Olympics.
While in Vancouver, we stayed at the Iconic Sylvia Hotel.
And yes, it was sometimes grey and rainy, but we didn't let that stop the fun.
My bangle came along for the ride.
If you want to know when my collections (including bangles) will be released, please sign up and become an insider!

Stingrays, vacations and bangles
I have been on vacation. A week of bike riding with my friend is what I had planned. But on the second day, the morning was grey, wet and rainy. So we ventured off to the Vancouver Aquarium.
These creatures caught my eye.
Stingrays - in different forms. Graceful and beautiful.
Many stingrays are endangered due to unregulated and overfishing for food and their skin and also because they eat shellfish and can threaten shellfishing grounds.
Aren't they fascinating?
Want to know when my ocean inspired jewelry collections are released? Sign up and be the first to shop.

Bike rides, dahlias and bronze bangles
I have been on my bike lots this summer. This week, I passed many farm stands in the neighbourhood along a popular cycling trail.
I am lucky to live in a place where farm stands and flowers are just a bike ride away.
Aren't these dahlias bold and beautiful - elegantly audacious even?!
Find your bold - sign up below and instantly become an elegantly audacious insider.

Bronze bangle and coffee shop journaling
One of my favourite things is to go work in a coffee shop. It gets me out of the studio into different surroundings, sipping coffee and letting the creative juices flow.
It's even better, when it is nice enough out for me to bike to the coffee shop. After I spend hours in my studio producing things, it's important for me to surface out in real life again. Fresh air, movement, brain work and contact with other humans. What could be better?!?
Coffee, of course! (and my new bronze bangle)
PS: Are you an Insider yet? The bangle will be part of an upcoming collection and insiders get first look-and-shop privileges. Sign up by entering your email below.