
Ready for summer yet?
I have been working on these new bronze and glass pieces. I am having a grand time with matching the right blue bead to the right bronze form.

They will be ready for release in a few weeks. Don't worry, the wires won't be sticking out when they are done!

So if you want to be first to shop them, then put your name on my email list by signing up in the space below!

Wear this necklace and get compliments
When I wear my Ocean curl necklace, I always get compliments.

Maybe it's because the shape of the necklace resembles the curve of the dolphin?

Or perhaps it is just a unique and simple statement.
Want to know when more of my unique pieces are released? Then sign up for my email list. Insiders get first dibs, always.

Perfect jewelry pairings: turtle approved
I love to pair my Maderia earrings with my Petite Madeleine necklace.

They go swimmingly together and add a touch of class to any outfit.

Even the turtle approves!
Better get on my list just in case a birthday surprise is in store for Insiders only...(wink, wink, nudge, nudge). It's easy, just put your email in the space below.

Be coral conservation minded with this necklace
Coral reefs are the most biodiverse marine ecosystem. It is important that this biodiversity be protected and maintained.

What can you do to help protect coral reefs? As with most conservation actions, this starts with looking at how you live everyday. Live sustainably by paying attention to your own actions by doing things like following the three R's: reduce, reuse, recycle. And by limiting fresh water usage.

How does a necklace help you to be conservation minded about coral? Well, when you wear one of my coral frag necklaces, like Coral Frag III, you can be reminded of the beauty and functionality of coral reefs and of the small steps you can take every day.
If you want to know when I release new pieces, you can be first in line by signing up below.

Bronze and {steel} coral frags?
Coral frags are really coral fragments, cultured and used in saltwater aquariums. Coral frags are fascinating and beautiful, much like a real coral reef.

I am inspired by the shapes and textures in the coral and for my coral frag pieces, I am using bronze and steel. In this one, it is patterned on one side.

I am very excited to be updating my shop very soon with my new pieces! If you want to be first in line to shop them, then sign up for my email list below. Insiders always have first dibs and receive exclusive offers.

Beware the Kelpie {wearing bronze jewellery}
A kelpie is a mythical Scottish (or Celtic depending on your source) water horse.

And look, I found one in my back yard, sporting my Ballenas necklace!

Do you think it will stay still long enough for me to pet it?
Want to be first in line when I release my next collection? Then what are you waiting for, get on my email list by entering below.

It's the simple {bronze} jewelry
The last few weeks have felt heavy. Luckily, I have had a few days off this week to recharge.
It's always important to see and enjoy the simple things around you.
And a visit to the beach, where ever that beach may be, is one way I get grounded to the simple things.
How do you enjoy the simple things?
PS: The Maderia earrings and Petite Madeleine necklace are available in my shop.
PS #2: Beautiful card made by Deb Designs

It's a whale of a {bronze} necklace
The Ballenas necklace is named after an island group off the coast of Vancouver Island, relatively close to home.
Ballenas is Spanish for whale; and true enough, orcas can be sighted around the islands.
Ballenas, the necklace, as I described in this post, is classy, yet organic. It's {wait for it} a whale of a necklace!
Are you Elegant, yet Audacious? Yes?! Then you need to be an Insider! Sign up with your email below for first dibs, insider knowledge and exclusive deals.

{Bronze} earring egg-stravaganza
I know - silly Easter pun. I think we could all use some silliness in the face of the world situation right now, don't you?
These are all my coral reef bead earrings - current (Skye and Minoan) and those to be released vewy vewy soon. (The laughs just keep coming...)
Look for the collection release some time in the next week. AND if you want to be first to shop these lovely earrings, then sign up to my email list, pronto.

She Sells Sea Shells
According to Wikipedia, a beachcomber is "interested in the (mostly natural) objects that the sea casts up... looking for and finding various curiosities that have washed in with the tide..."
I think of beach combing as a type of treasure hunt.
My recent treasure hunt has turned up these metal shells in the churning tide that is my workbench. They have sparked my design ideas...
Want to know when my new designs will be released? Sign up to become an Insider. Insiders are first to know and first to shop. Always.

Stingrays, vacations and bangles
I have been on vacation. A week of bike riding with my friend is what I had planned. But on the second day, the morning was grey, wet and rainy. So we ventured off to the Vancouver Aquarium.
These creatures caught my eye.
Stingrays - in different forms. Graceful and beautiful.
Many stingrays are endangered due to unregulated and overfishing for food and their skin and also because they eat shellfish and can threaten shellfishing grounds.
Aren't they fascinating?
Want to know when my ocean inspired jewelry collections are released? Sign up and be the first to shop.