
Summer vibes, where are you?
Here on Vancouver Island, we are experiencing wetter and colder weather than normal. Certainly, 2 years ago, it was hot enough that everyone wanted to be out at the beach.

Bronze barnacle beauties
Why is it I am drawn to barnacles? Aren't they just sharp, crusty things you step on at the beach?

Barnacles inspire me because of their existence - I love the patterns they make, very organic, yet still a pattern.

But most of all, they remind me of the swish of the waves and wandering along the beach seeking treasure.
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Summery barnacle inspired statement necklace
Summer has arrived and my latest collection is now live.

This barnacle inspired statement necklace goes perfectly with your summery cotton or linen outfits and will make a statement.

I think it is actually trying to say something!
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Ocean inspired snail shell jewelry in bronze and blue
These pieces are inspired by the top snail shells.

There are five top snails that live in the Pacific Northwest coastal waters. Some of these shells were used as decoration by Indigenous peoples.

I am happy to introduce my version of ornamentation with top snails!
If you want to be first to shop for these top snails when they are released in a few weeks, then you need to be on my email list. Sign up below.

Ready for summer yet?
I have been working on these new bronze and glass pieces. I am having a grand time with matching the right blue bead to the right bronze form.

They will be ready for release in a few weeks. Don't worry, the wires won't be sticking out when they are done!

So if you want to be first to shop them, then put your name on my email list by signing up in the space below!

Exciting new pieces on their way
I am really pleased with how these new pieces for my coast to coast collaboration with Kanna Glass Studio are coming along.

These pieces came out of the kiln last weekend. And I thought I would see how they matched up to the lovely ocean coloured beads before I polish them up to their true bronze colours.

I really love how they are looking so far.
If you want to have first dibs on these new pieces when they are released, then I recommend you get on my list - Insiders shop first, always.

When I wear this necklace, I feel like I am at a beach party
Or perhaps on vacation in the Caribbean? Or twisting by the pool?

Either way, the Dominica is one of my favourites and a really fun necklace to wear.

If you want to be first in line when I release fun new pieces, then sign up for my email list- it's easy, just enter your email below.

Bronze earrings galore available in a store!
Last month, I sent all these earrings from my Isles collection over to Kizmit Gift Gallery in Fort Langley.

So once you are able to travel out there, go and check them out in person. I did also send a few necklaces to go with them.

In the meantime, why not sign up to my email list? Besides getting to shop new collections first, Insiders get special offers from time to time...
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Barnacle shell necklace with shell barnacles...
Yes, the barnacles are indeed shell barnacles...

because they grow exclusively on shells.

And bronze barnacles grow on steel shells.
Want to be first to scoop up new pieces when they are released? Then enter your email below and be first to shop.

The power of the ocean
The ocean expanse, so full of life and perhaps adventure too?

"Doesn't it seem to you that the mind moves more freely in the presence of that boundless expanse, that the sight of it elevates the soul and gives rise to thoughts of the infinite and the ideal? " ~ Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary

For first dibs on new ocean inspired jewelry, sign up to my email list.

Why these three pairs of earrings are my "go to" favourites
Last week, I talked about pairing my "go to" earrings with some unique necklaces.
But I didn't talk about why these are my favourite earrings.

First, I love the Ocean Curl earrings for some understated elegance.

And the Captiva are my flirty fun earrings; they have so much movement dangling at the end of the chain.

But I probably wear my Minoan earrings the most! They are truly an everyday, go-with-anything, piece of jewelry.
Which ones are your favourite?
If you want to be first in line the next time I release earrings, then sign up below to become an Insider!

What about imagination?
“Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.” ~Gloria Steinem

That quote speaks to me, because I have always had a sense of imagination. When I was young, I would make up fairy worlds in the forest or take my family on my imagining of the 100 Acre Wood on our property (I called it the Pooh trails...).
Even now, I prefer to read the book over watching the movie because I make up the movie in my mind!

And now, with my jewelry, I can imagine tropical ocean vistas and seaside vacations while we are in the depths of a deep freeze and storm warning!
Want to get your own piece of my imagination? Then sign up below to become an Insider. Insiders always shop first and get exclusive offers.