
Barnacle shell necklace with shell barnacles...
Yes, the barnacles are indeed shell barnacles...

because they grow exclusively on shells.

And bronze barnacles grow on steel shells.
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What does shipwrecked jewelry treasure look like?
When I think of shipwrecks, I remember going to an exhibit about the Titanic and all the items that ended up at the bottom of the North Atlantic ocean.

It was quite interesting, what survived in the depths after the sinking.

Perhaps some of the jewelry looks like these pieces?
If you want to know when my sunken treasure pieces are released, then sign up for my email list by entering your email below.

Sunken treasure jewelry
In this post, I mentioned that I was doing my annual California training.
My fabulous mentor, Hadar Jacobson, taught us some fantastic techniques.

These pieces are made from steel with added bronze.

And to me, they bring to mind sunken treasure!
If you want to know when I release new pieces like these, then get yourself on my email list by signing up below! First to know = first to shop!

How to spot an {ocean} tiger...
I was looking at my Coral Life Ring III necklace today and noticed how the pattern on it is like a tiger. I get curious and since my jewelry is ocean themed, I went looking for tiger striped fish.

And what do you know, there are several - from the Tiger shark to tiger striped catfish to a fish called a Tiger Pleco.

So many things to learn by just being curious. What "tiger" will you spot today?
Want in on the fun of my next release? Then sign up below to become an Insider and always be first to shop!

Steel {and bronze} barnacle shell
Barnacles on shells are a creative inspiration for me.

You can see I sketched and then created a shell with barnacles out of steel and bronze. This particular barnacle shell will be part of my upcoming shop update.

The shop update will be in the next few weeks. All upcoming pieces will be one of a kind, so if you want to scoop one up, then be sure you are on my email list.
Insiders on the list receive first dibs on new releases and access to exclusive offers.
Enter your email below.

Bronze and steel pieces are coming soon
These are the bronze and steel pieces that are in the pipeline for a November release date.
All are pendants and all are one of a kind (although there maybe similar pieces released in the future).

In order to have first dibs on these pieces, you need to be on my mailing list. Sign up by entering your email address below. Insiders get to shop first and maybe also an occasional exclusive.

When your inner artist creates the {art} jewelry
When my inner artist comes out to play with my muse, I get really excited. New ideas take shape by playing around with techniques I have learned.

Sometimes I draw first and sometimes the idea comes out in the process. Right now, I am really happy and excited by the way my new steel and bronze pieces are shaping up.

Stay tuned and sign up for my email list. New work is coming in the next month and the mailing list gets first dibs, always.

Bronze and {steel} jewelry pieces
Remember when I first came back from the workshop in California and I introduced the bronze and steel combos?
This large bar was not finished in that it didn't have the blackening patina on it. I received the patina recently and decided I needed to finish it today.
I like it with the thicker rolo chain. I will be working on bronze and steel pieces after my upcoming release.
YOU can be first to shop new pieces exclusively by joining my mailing list. (And maybe receive special offers too, just sayin')