
Discover oceanic jewelry
Had some friends swim by for a look at my copper ocean curl pieces.

They are some of the first pieces I created when I was beginning again on this adventure.

Ocean Curls in copper with sea green enamel - in necklaces and earrings. The manatees seem to like them!
Want to discover more ocean treasures? Then sign up for my email list below. May is my birthday month and you never know when I might surprise my list with a special offer!

Unite for World Oceans Day
World Oceans Day is to put a spotlight on our blue planet. To celebrate and honour our oceans and work together to restore and conserve them.
Here, in the Salish Sea, June is also Orca Month, highlighting the habitat of the resident population of orcas.
I decided to celebrate with my orca and some sea treasures. This Ocean Curl pendant has a graceful, orca like curve, so it joined the party as well.
How will you honour the ocean?
PSST: If you want to be first to know when I release my next collection pieces, be sure to sign up with your email below and become an Insider.

Copper necklace and earrings - coming soon!
Another perfect jewelry pairing today: Carved copper with oceany coloured enamel.
You have seen the necklace in action before. And now there are earrings to go with it.
Pendants and earrings like these will be part of my first release - coming in early November. Sign up to my email below, become an Insider and be in the know first when I release collections.

Yes, you CAN wear jewelry on casual days!
Today is a bit grey for August, when we usually have bright sunshine and blue ocean. Often, you can see Mt. Baker. Not today. Instead we have grey on grey. You can still see the islands out in the Haro straight, though.
I am also in grey - just casual, comfy walking around the neighbourhood gear.
Why not spice up the grey a bit? So I threw on my oceany copper pendant.
Yes, you most certainly can wear jewelry on casual day.
Want some of my pieces to brighten up your greys? Be sure to enter your email and become an Insider. First to know and first to shop when my collection releases begin this fall.

Perfect patterned metal pendants and earring
More samples of upcoming pieces when my collections start releasing. These are patterned metal, made from bronze, copper and steel. I wanted to show how fantastic the patterned pieces look together, when the shape is the same flowing curl. I have shown off the earrings before - on their own and with a different pendant.
The flowing shape reminds me of a wave or of a whale's back. The first collections will all feature this shape, which I am calling Ocean Currents.
First release coming soon. Want in? Insiders shop first on any new collection release.

Elegantly Audacious Pendants
As I age, I become more of myself. When we are young and starting out in life, we are full of hope, grand ideas and are somewhat gangly, like a colt running for the first time.
Life has knocked me down more than I care to admit. And yet, each time I grow stronger from the experience, digging deep into my own treasure chest of hope and skill and finding my way back to the surface again.
And now, I know I can choose my path:
* I choose elegance - beauty that is graceful in it's simplicity.
* I choose to be bold, spirited, daring - audacious.
My jewelry represents those who choose strength and beauty - those who are Elegantly Audacious.
YOU - who are also Elegantly Audacious - become an insider by signing on to my list with your email.

Versatile copper enamel pendant
I am loving how the light changes the colour of this copper and enamel pendant. Here it looks blue.
And then see the blue green.
And then with some beach treasures from Prince Edward Island, green, like the sea glass.
Which makes some sense, since enamel is glass fused to metal. It is one of my favourite ways to add colour to metal.
Want to know when my enamelled jewelry collection pieces are released? Join other Insiders and be first to know.

Steel jewelry and summer blues
I am partial to blues right now. All oceany and beachy under the summer sun. I am loving my steel pendant and earrings with sea green and ocean blue enamels. Can you feel the tradewind breezes?
Both of these are prototypes for my upcoming collections.
Want to know when I release my collections? Join up to the Insider list by entering your email below.

You CAN wear black (jewelry) in summer!
I do it...
YES, I wear black in the summer.
Black tops and black, steel jewelry. I just make sure there is a pop of colour - in this case, sea green on my steel ocean current pendant.
Be the first to know when I release new steel pieces. Sign up with your email below.

Is there a right way to wear these earrings?
The other morning when I got to work, I noticed something different about my earrings.
Can you see it?
Yes, I put them on backwards today! I usually wear them with the tip of the curl pointing in, like I showed in this profile post.
But you know what? I kinda like them this way.
Go ahead - be BOLD and wear your earrings your way.
And while you are at it, boldly sign up to my email list---->

Ocean Current Bronze Pendant with Patterned Metal Earrings
In this post, I talked about pairing my bronze Ocean Current pendant with bronze earrings, for a casual look.
Well, I also like to pair it with Sea Curl patterned metal earrings. This is a bit dressier and the bronze base for the pattern matches the bronze on the Ocean Current pendant. I still like to wear this combo for everyday use, though.
Want to know when the Ocean Current collections will be released? Become an insider by signing up with your email below.

Bronze Ocean Current Pendant with Shell Earrings
For everyday wear casual wear, I like to pair pieces made from the same metal. In this case, bronze is on display - my structural, hand-carved Ocean Current pendant with Shell earrings. Bronze is the perfect durable metal and with it's gold like lustre, it matches any outfit.
Want to be in on Ocean Current collection releases? Join the Insiders and shop first, always.
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