
Perfect Pairings: Unique necklace with everyday earrings part III
For my last pairing in this round, I am lining up my Coral Frag I pendant with my Minoan earrings.

I think these two go together because they are both substantial pieces and they have the airiness of a coral piece.

Together, this pair makes a statement about your style (and perhaps about your priorities - you decide).
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Perfect pairs: Artisan made jewelry earrings and necklace part II
Today I am pairing the flirty Captiva earrings with an equally flirty necklace.

The Coral Frag II necklace does have enough pizzaz on it's own; it doesn't need a big blingy earring to go with it.

I think these two pair really well together as they compliment each other so well - both flirty, but not over the top and equally eye catching. You might say they are a Perfect Pair!
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How to choose earrings to wear with one of a kind necklaces
You have purchased a fantastic new art jewelry necklace. You love it. Now what earrings do you pair with it?

Go to the designer you purchased your new treasure from. Do they have earrings you can choose from? Look for something that is versatile enough to go with other pieces of jewelry or to wear on their own.

For example, I would pair the Minoan earrings with this Coral Frag necklace. Both are inspired by coral and are handmade in a similar fashion, so have the same style to them.
Now, wear them whenever you feel like jazzing up your day!

Bronze {drop} necklace and Minoan earrings
My Capella necklace is what I am wearing these days. This one is with the large (2 inch) bronze bead drop.
I like to pair it with my Minoan earrings, shown here in my favourite size with my medium coral reef beads.
Both the Capella and the Minoan come in multiple bead sizes, so you can get the ones that suit you the best!
PS: I am working on some new designs, including some bangles! If you want to be the first to shop any new releases, sign up with your email below.

Pairings: Stacks of {bronze} beads
I love to put more than one bead together in my creations, making stacks of beads. Here there are two in the Petite Martinique necklace, which you can pair with the single mini bead Icaria earring.
I like the necklace with the Marquesas earring, which is also two of my coral reef beads stacked together.
Make my creations into your own style!
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Pairings: double drop necklace with {bronze} earrings
The Cayo Coco Necklace is versatile, and like all my coral reef bead jewelry, it can be paired with various earrings. Like these double drop ones, called Catalina that were also released last week.
Or Captiva, my new single drop mini bead earring.
Or even my Minoan earrings.
All of these are part of my Isles Collection of hand carved coral reef bead creations. If you want to know when I release new pieces, sign up to my email list below.

Perfect {bronze} pairings
I mixed it up with my jewelry selection this week without really planning it, grabbing what was top of the pile.
Even though I am a bit windswept and rained upon, I wanted to show you how they look together.
This is my Minoan Earrings with an Ocean Curl Pendant, both made from handcarved bronze.
I think I have a new favourite combo!
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Perfect pairings: Skye earrings and Caprice necklace
My bronze bead creations all go with each other. That makes them really versatile.
This is one of my favourite pairings: Skye earrings and a Caprice necklace.
Both of these pieces exude a casual confidence, with a touch of rustic. And they are great together for wearing on sunny days at the beach!
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Perfect patterned metal pendants and earring
More samples of upcoming pieces when my collections start releasing. These are patterned metal, made from bronze, copper and steel. I wanted to show how fantastic the patterned pieces look together, when the shape is the same flowing curl. I have shown off the earrings before - on their own and with a different pendant.
The flowing shape reminds me of a wave or of a whale's back. The first collections will all feature this shape, which I am calling Ocean Currents.
First release coming soon. Want in? Insiders shop first on any new collection release.

Wearing patterns (jewelry) with patterns (clothes)
I like to wear my patterned metal pendant with my Parsley and Sage tunic.
Even with all the patterns, to me, it goes together beautifully.
So go ahead, be Elegantly Audacious and mix up your patterns!
PS: I hear Parsley and Sage are coming out with a Leona tunic...gonna have to check that out.
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Ocean Current Bronze Pendant with Patterned Metal Earrings
In this post, I talked about pairing my bronze Ocean Current pendant with bronze earrings, for a casual look.
Well, I also like to pair it with Sea Curl patterned metal earrings. This is a bit dressier and the bronze base for the pattern matches the bronze on the Ocean Current pendant. I still like to wear this combo for everyday use, though.
Want to know when the Ocean Current collections will be released? Become an insider by signing up with your email below.

Bronze Ocean Current Pendant with Shell Earrings
For everyday wear casual wear, I like to pair pieces made from the same metal. In this case, bronze is on display - my structural, hand-carved Ocean Current pendant with Shell earrings. Bronze is the perfect durable metal and with it's gold like lustre, it matches any outfit.
Want to be in on Ocean Current collection releases? Join the Insiders and shop first, always.