Caring for your bronze jewellery
For most of my bronze only jewellery pieces, I intend for them to age gracefully. This means that they are not treated with a sealant and that their colour will richen and deepen over time.
In the photo above, the bronze on the left is newly made and polished - it's colour is lighter than the other two pieces. It is also shinier than the other two.
To polish up bronze jewellery, the easiest way is to use a jeweller's cloth - a soft cloth that is impregnated with polishing compound.
After polishing, you can see that the two right side pieces are shinier, and that their colour has remained a deeper bronze.
To keep your bronze jewelry shinier and lighter longer, when not wearing, store in a jewelry box or in a plastic bag that will keep the amount of air it is exposed to at a minimum.
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