
Bronze {bracelets} beachcombing
That title is right up there with "She sells seashells". But it's what I did recently when the weather was hot last weekend.
I like to look for the treasure on the beach. Sometimes all I find is parts of shells.
This time, when I was just about at the end, I found a small mermaid tear of green sea glass. Makes it all worthwhile for me.
Want to know when I release the next collection? You can be first to shop by becoming an Insider - just sign up below with your email address.

Just {bronze} jewelry hanging out at the beach
Our weather on the weekend was very warm, especially for this time of year.
It really was time to hit the beach and hang out.
And photograph a few of my favourite pieces: Dominica and Ballenas necklaces. I featured Dominica in yesterday's post.
To be first in line when I release new pieces, sign up with your email below. You never know what you are going to get first dibs on!

Books, beads and more little libraries
In this time of physical distancing, our public libraries are closed. In between playing with my beads to make pretty things, I read A LOT.
I have a small space, so purchasing new books is not practical for me. I do go to our large annual book sale (proceeds go to literacy programs), but that is not happening this spring as it usually would.
That is why the little free libraries in my neighbourhood are so fantastic. I visited this one the other day and traded three books.
And look there is one specifically filled with children's books across the street! These are a great way for me to not only get outside, but also indulge in reading. Plus, it's like that box of chocolates; I never know what books I will come across.
PS: New collection release coming soon - you can sign up and be the first to know be entering your email below.

Spring sanity interlude
Remember this?
I have been having moments where I want to shout this at some people.
Instead, I bring you a spring interlude.
You're welcome.

Spring {jewelry} colours
This morning, the sky matched my shirt. All blues and purply and pinkish. My bronze beads go great with these colours.
At this time in the morning, on my way to my day job, the sun is just rising and often puts on a lovely colour display over the bay.
I will be sad next week when we are plunged back into darkness in the morning with so called Daylight savings time.
In the meantime, want to know when I release more of my spring friendly bronze bead pieces? Sign up to my email list and be the first to know.

Oooh - shiny bronze things!
The other day when I was at the beach, I thought this piece of driftwood had lovely colours and interesting textures.
And that it would be a great back drop for my bronze coral reef beads. These are the beads I am designing with right now for my next collection release, which is coming in March.
Seems I also attracted another fan of shiny things...
Want to be first in line when I drop the new collection? Sign up to my email list and become an Insider!

Bronze beads and beach combing
The other day, I asked if it was beach combing weather yet.
Turns out, it is! This is "my" beach, the one closest to my home. It's called Cordova Bay and faces east. The island you can see in the distance is actually the US - San Juan Island. I love to walk and hang out on this beach, looking for treasure thrown ashore by the sea.
And look what I found?!!!! {OK, I made the beads. But I did find the clam shell on this beach!}.
Want to know when these beads are turned into pretty shiny jewelry pieces? Sign up with your email to become an insider and you WILL be first to know!

Are you Forever Fierce?
A few years ago, I stumbled across a group of women celebrating mid-life and beyond on 50th day of the year (today). I love what these women created: "a collaborative, supportive community and to celebrate what it means to be a woman over 50." (from founder Catherine Grace O - visit her blog to learn more)
Embracing mid-life is empowering and enables you to be fierce. This allows you to be you, without the hassle of trying to live up to some imagined standard. And it is freeing you up to live the life you want to have. Wander over to Jodie's Touch of Style for her post today about this revolution.
Do you - Fiercely!
PS: I am wearing my Minoan Earrings - great for Fierceness!

Is it beach{combing} weather yet?
The other day I was talking about how spring seems to have arrived here on Vancouver Island. That made me want to head to the beach. Well actually, I love the beach at anytime.
But, I am not really a sit-on-the-beach-and-tan type. I would rather explore. I love the treasures you can find while beach combing. And not just the shells or glass or stones, but the patterns and colours too.
I find the sound of the waves meditative, the scenery interesting and the scent invigorating. Good for body and soul. It fills me up.
PS: Want to know first when I release my new collection with my bronze coral reef beads? Sign up and become an Insider below.

Signs of spring {jewelry}
Our weather in 2020 has been wet, wet, wet. Any time there is a break in the rain, I try to head outside to {hopefully} get some sun.
The rain is a bit depressing, so when I am out walking, I look for ANY signs of spring. These snowdrops definitely brighten up the day.
Spring is the time for new growth; for waking up after winter. I am excited to be creating some new designs this spring. With my bronze beads, not the snowdrops...
Want in on the first look at the new designs? Sign up with your email below and you will join the Insiders who are able to shop first.

The jewelry you will wear to the places you will go
On my recent trip to California to take a workshop from my mentor, I booked an extra day to look around Berkeley. It just so happened that was the day it poured - not showered, not rained, it poured! Like some one was pouring a bucket of water over us.
I did venture out a bit, first to the Berkeley Art Museum and Film Archive. Then for a walk once the sun came out in late afternoon to see this fascinating yard full of sculpture
The artist makes all of his creations with trash that has washed up on the beach. He has also influenced the neighbourhood as I saw sculpture sprouting up along the block.
The next day was travel home day. I had some flight delays. Above is me early on in the day, perky in my Minoan earrings and Pico Azores necklace.
And then here I am after landing back in Canada, only to find out that I had a further delay. The jewelry held up just fine! (Me, not so much).
Want to know when I release new pieces in my latest collection? Be sure to sign up and become an Insider.

Lockets and cottages
As I mentioned in a previous post, I head to California every year to learn from my mentor. This year, we learned construction of several locket styles.
This is my first one. Don't you think it looks like a Hobbit door?
I stayed in my own Airbnb cottage. I love the neighbourhood. Quiet, residential streets and close to a huge variety of restaurants.
This is typical of the homes in this area - Craftsman bungalows - my favourite type of style.
This one even has a Little Lending Library!
Want to know when I release designs created with the skills I learned in California? Sign up below and be the first to shop!